Mars gezegeni haritalarımızda enerjimizi hangi konulara,ne şekilde ve nasıl yansıttığımızı anlatır.
Mars haritamızda eğer kadınsanız eşinizi,cinsel dürtülerimizi,rekabet tarzımızı,agresyonun nasıl aktive olduğunu gösterir.
Mars 26 ocak 2018 tarihinde yay burcuna geçecek marsiyen hippilerin dönemi..:)
Özellikle yükseleni yay olanlar agresyona dikkat diyorum ve bizi yükselen burcumuza göre hangi evlerde tetikleyecek biraz bunlara değinmek istiyorum.
Fakat öncelikle yay burcu bize hangi konuları anlatır bunlara değinelim..
Mars gezegeninin sıcak ve kuru yapısı ateş elementi yay burcunda kendini atak,aktif ve yayılmacı politikasıyla gösterir.Enerji sportif konularda kendini iyi gösterebilir.Yay burcunun temsil ettiği konular yayıncılık,esnemeye yönelik sporlar,hukuk,satış ve pazarlama,atlarla ilgili herşey,yurtdışı,seyahatler,yabancı yerler ve yabancı kişilerdir.Enerjimizi bu konulara akıtırken mars bu konularda sınırları zorlamak daha da gelişmek isteyecektir.
Yay burcu değişken nitelik taşıdığından enerjimizi bir oraya bir buraya değişken bir şekilde harcayabilir iki işle birden uğraşmak isteyebiliriz.
Birşeylere girişirken aktif planda rol oynar ,risklere düşünmeden atlayabiliriz.Hukuksal süreçte işleyen işlerinizde iki kere düşünün derim hemen karar vermek bu dönem zarar getirebilir.
Mars kötücül bir gezegen olduğu için yay burcunun temsil ettiği abartı yönlerinizi aktive edecektir bu yüzden kibire,fanatizme ,patavatsızlıklara çok bilmişliklere dikkat lütfen..
Mars'ın bu enerjisini spor yoluyla atmanızı öneririm en iyisi de yaya uyan yoga ve okçuluk ön sırayı çekebilir.
Yükselen KOÇ:Seyahatler,yabancılarla ilişkiler,hukuk alanları ve dini felsefik yönleriniz ve hayata bakışınızla ilgili aksiyonlar alabileceğiniz bir süreç..
Yükselen BOĞA:Borç alacak,vergi,finans ve kendi kontrolümüz dışında gelişecek bazı olaylara maruz kalabiliriz.Akışa bırakmakta fayda var farkında olmak bir adım önde olmayı gerektirir.
Yükselen İKİZLER:İkili ilişkiler ortaklaşa işler için bazı agresif etkilere maruz kalabilirsiniz.Partenizle,eşinizle mücadele ve rekabete dikkat etmekte fayda var..
Yükselen YENGEÇ:Sağlık ve çalışanlarla ilgili alanınız aktif,mars yaydayken kalça ve uyluk kısımlarına dikkat edelim ve ayrıca .alışanlarınızla ya da iş yaşamınızda agresyon mevcut..
Yükselen ASLAN:Çocuklar,flörtler,hobiler,spor gibi konularda agresyon artıyor..Flört için istek artabilir,çocuklarla geçirilecek sportif aktiveler olabileceği gibi çocuk konularıyla ilgili agresyonlarda olası..
Yükselen BAŞAK:Ev,aile,baba ile ilgili aksiyon zamanları ,yer değişikliği için atağa geçebilirsiniz..Babayla ilişkilere dikkat..
Yükselen TERAZİ:Kardeşler,yakın çevre,akrabalar,komşular,yakın yerlere seyahatler,iletişim ,arabanızla ilgili aktif enerjiler mevcut bu konularla ilgili konularınız gündeme gelebilir..
Yükselen AKREP:Maddi kazanımlar,kendi öz değeriyle ilgili mücadele ve birşeyler kazanmak için daha çok efor sarfetmek gerecek..
Yükselen YAY:Kendi evinizde gerçekleşen bu marsiyen enerji size aktivasyon katacak daha enerjik ,daha yenilikçi,atılımcı yönleriniz ön planda olacaktır..Abartılı mücadelelerden ,agresyondan uzak kalmakta fayda var.
Yükselen OĞLAK:Bilinçaltı ,yanlız gerçekleştirilen işler,arkanızdan dönebilecek bazı olayların oluşması ve sizinde perde arkası bazı aktivasyonlarınız ortaya çıkabilir.Daha çok içeri çalışan bu enerjiyi dışarıya yansıtmakta zorlanabilirsiniz.
Yükselen KOVA:Sosyal alanınız aktif ,daha çok bu alana enerji harcanacak fakat rekabet ve kötü enerjide bu alana çalışacak bu yüzden arkadaşlık ilişkilerinde kırıcı olmamaya dikkat edilmeli..
Yükselen BALIK:Agresyon ve aktivite iş alanı ve annenizle alakalı olabilir.Toplum önünde aktif olacaksınız ve bazı agresif tavırlarınız toplum önünde hoş karşılanmayabilir.Kariyer alanında aktif bir dönem ,bu konudaki girişimlerde mücadele verebilirsiniz..
Enerjinizin güzel akması dileğiyle..
Mars tells us what, how, and how we reflect our energy in our planet maps.
In our Mars map we show if you are a woman, your partner, our sexual impulse, the way we compete, how aggression works.
Mars will pass the sagittarius sign on January 26, 2018, the period in mars of hippies .. :)
Especially if a person have that ascendant sagittarius, I call attention to the aggression and I would like to mention some of them in which houses we will trigger according to our ascending Sagittarius.
But first of all, let's talk about these subjects which what does sagittarius sign tell us.
The hot and dry nature of the planet Mars is manifested in its active, spontaneous, expansionist policy in the Sagittarius sign of the fire element. It can show itself well in sporting matters. The subjects represented by Sagittarius are publishing, sports that stretching sports, law, sales, and marketing, everything related to horses, foreign places, and foreigners. While we are pouring our energy into these issues, Mars will want to push forward the boundaries in these matters.
For Sagittarius is variable, we may want to deal with two jobs that can spontaneously spill energy into or out of it.
We can play active role,we can enter risks without thinking. Thinking twice in your business that works in the legal process is to take a decision.It can bring to damage ıf you can make a hasty decision
Mars will active like an exaggeration to represent such a sagittarius for a malicious planet, so be careful of the arrogance, fanatism, frenzies.
I recommend that you put this energy of Mars into sports, and the best way is to make a yoga and archery.
Rising ARİES: A process you can take on travels, strangers relations, legal fields and religious philosophical directions and actions related to your look of life.
Rising TAURUS: We can be exposed to debt, tax, finance and some events that will develop beyond our control. Being aware of the benefits of leaving the flow requires one step ahead.
Rising GEMİNİ: Binary relationships can be exposed to some aggressive effects for joint work. There is a benefit to fight with your partner, fight with your partner and pay attention to the competition.
Rising CANCER: Let's pay attention to areas of health and employees related to hips and thighs when active, and also have aggression in your work or life please don't be aggresive in your routin life.
Rising LEO: Aggression increases in children, flirts, hobbies, sports, etc .. The desire for a fight may increase, it may be sporting activities to be carried out with children or possible in aggressions related to children's issues or you can have a new child..:)
Rising VİRGO: Home, family, father about the times of action, you can pass for the change of location .. Attention relationship to father.
Rising LİBRA: Siblings, close relatives, close friends, neighbors, near places, traveling, communication, active energy related to your car, these issues may come into question about these issues.
Rising SCORPİO: Material purpose, more self-worth struggle, and more effort to win something.
Rising SAGİTTARİUS: This marshaling energy that takes place in your own home will give you a more energetic, more innovative, progressive way of activating your frontrunner. It is useful to stay away from aggression in your frenzied fights.
Rising CAPRİCORN: The subconscious, the work is done alone, the occurrence of some events that you can turn back and you may have some back-of-screen activations. You may have difficulty reflecting this energy, which works very much inside.
Rising AQUARİUS: Your social space is active, more energy is to be spent on this area, but competition and bad energy will work on this area, so be careful not to be a breaker in friendly relations.
Rising PİSHES: Aggression and activity may be relevant to your business area and your mother. You will be active in front of the community and some aggressive attitudes may not be tolerated in front of society.
Best Wishes, When your energy flowing beautifully .
Enerjinizin güzel akması dileğiyle..
Mars tells us what, how, and how we reflect our energy in our planet maps.
In our Mars map we show if you are a woman, your partner, our sexual impulse, the way we compete, how aggression works.
Mars will pass the sagittarius sign on January 26, 2018, the period in mars of hippies .. :)
Especially if a person have that ascendant sagittarius, I call attention to the aggression and I would like to mention some of them in which houses we will trigger according to our ascending Sagittarius.
But first of all, let's talk about these subjects which what does sagittarius sign tell us.
The hot and dry nature of the planet Mars is manifested in its active, spontaneous, expansionist policy in the Sagittarius sign of the fire element. It can show itself well in sporting matters. The subjects represented by Sagittarius are publishing, sports that stretching sports, law, sales, and marketing, everything related to horses, foreign places, and foreigners. While we are pouring our energy into these issues, Mars will want to push forward the boundaries in these matters.
For Sagittarius is variable, we may want to deal with two jobs that can spontaneously spill energy into or out of it.
We can play active role,we can enter risks without thinking. Thinking twice in your business that works in the legal process is to take a decision.It can bring to damage ıf you can make a hasty decision
Mars will active like an exaggeration to represent such a sagittarius for a malicious planet, so be careful of the arrogance, fanatism, frenzies.
I recommend that you put this energy of Mars into sports, and the best way is to make a yoga and archery.
Rising ARİES: A process you can take on travels, strangers relations, legal fields and religious philosophical directions and actions related to your look of life.
Rising TAURUS: We can be exposed to debt, tax, finance and some events that will develop beyond our control. Being aware of the benefits of leaving the flow requires one step ahead.
Rising GEMİNİ: Binary relationships can be exposed to some aggressive effects for joint work. There is a benefit to fight with your partner, fight with your partner and pay attention to the competition.
Rising CANCER: Let's pay attention to areas of health and employees related to hips and thighs when active, and also have aggression in your work or life please don't be aggresive in your routin life.
Rising LEO: Aggression increases in children, flirts, hobbies, sports, etc .. The desire for a fight may increase, it may be sporting activities to be carried out with children or possible in aggressions related to children's issues or you can have a new child..:)
Rising VİRGO: Home, family, father about the times of action, you can pass for the change of location .. Attention relationship to father.
Rising LİBRA: Siblings, close relatives, close friends, neighbors, near places, traveling, communication, active energy related to your car, these issues may come into question about these issues.
Rising SCORPİO: Material purpose, more self-worth struggle, and more effort to win something.
Rising SAGİTTARİUS: This marshaling energy that takes place in your own home will give you a more energetic, more innovative, progressive way of activating your frontrunner. It is useful to stay away from aggression in your frenzied fights.
Rising CAPRİCORN: The subconscious, the work is done alone, the occurrence of some events that you can turn back and you may have some back-of-screen activations. You may have difficulty reflecting this energy, which works very much inside.
Rising AQUARİUS: Your social space is active, more energy is to be spent on this area, but competition and bad energy will work on this area, so be careful not to be a breaker in friendly relations.
Rising PİSHES: Aggression and activity may be relevant to your business area and your mother. You will be active in front of the community and some aggressive attitudes may not be tolerated in front of society.
Best Wishes, When your energy flowing beautifully .
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