In our birth charts, Moon tells our passions and the place we want to belong.
The sun speaks of our consciousness, of our living authority figures and of our character.
The relationship with the sun and the moon tells us the harmony or conflict between our feelings and our character.
The angle between the sun and the moon informs us about the success of our present chart of success, how we show our instincts and how we display them, and in what period of life we will achieve success.
The moon phases tell us how the metabolism in our bodies works and how we have body health based on the examination of the whole of the moon.
If your sun and your moon are harmonious like conjoins, sextiles, triangles, your male-female associations will bring you harmony in your life and it is in easy flow. You will be in a spiritual unity because your feelings and character are shaped in harmony internally.
On the other hand, if there are angles such as square and opposite between the Moon and the Sun, male and female relations may cause tension in your life, and conflict between your instincts and your character. You can face divorce results in the marriage (if the general map interpretation supports it ..)
If you do not have an angle between the sun and your moon, you will not see a harmony between your desire and your character. You can evaluate the relationship between your mother and your father as two people who do not see each other.
If people have new moon phase will tend to always look subjective in life.
The moon phases are 8 and all give the person a distinct qualification.
The fact that Moon and Sun's angle is within 0-44 degrees shows us that you are born in the new phase. The effect of it is new and it is here for entrepreneurship. The main aim is to spontaneity, naturalness, selfishness and to start something. Curious, entrepreneurship and assertiveness are one step ahead .
However, They must learn to be patient in matters that are not experienced. It can be optimistic and you can trust yourself a lot. If this happens, you will become more extroverted. If the feminine sign is in (scorpion, pishes, cancer, virgo, taurus, capricorn) this development will be inclined towards the , emotional structure.
It generally tends to be watched rather than application.
As a result, you may be able to mention your breakthroughs in your name while you seem to have difficulty going.
Success catches you at a young age ..
45-89 degrees ahead of your Sun, your crescent is showing your birthday. This phase carries more Taurus sign characteristics. Indulgence and strong names are evident in this phase. Like the refreshing phase, it takes more responsibility than being a breakthrough and tells the transition to the application phase. If you are born in this phase, the monetary status is important to you. But the person will want to have a sense of security and stability but which will block the person to progress. However, if you do stay in the same place constantly, you cant have to step forward ..You have to leave to your tradition.
Success will be visible between the ages of 20 and 30.

If you are born in this phase you are the people of crisis. You will keep you alive that an intrinsic change and desire for struggle and being consistent will benefit you.
Success will be caught between the ages of 30 and 40 because you focus on your motivations.
Your moon belongs to the growing your degree ahead of your 135-179 your sun.It will be a productive, beneficial, practical, sparse energetic power.This phase reflect virgo sign enerjy.You will have a peaceful structure enough for your knowledge and will power, for people to consult the size. you will want to get to the people in your circle and you will help in the way of life.Success will come slowly and as hardly.You have practicalty personality for your purpose. It is a feeling that perfection is a desire for supply.Unless you are very detailer, success will be caught 40 years old.
Your Moon is 180-224 degrees ahead of your Sun, If you are a member of the full moon phase. The energy that is important to relationships reflects the nature of the horoscope, which may be unstable from time to time.
You are sociable but you feel the need for approval.
The Moon and the Sun have the most intense feelings, and we may not be able to exhibit behavior at the extremities.Full Moon tells us to get the seeds we get and to reach the peak, the person has the highest energy here.He will experience life by experiencing the contrasts in his relations.He will learn himself by seeing his reflection in other people.Energy Balanced use is important here. Success will manifest itself in middle ages.
You are a member of the last four phases of the Sun, your moon ahead of 225 to 269 degrees your Sun.If you have this phase, travel,educate,learning something news is very important for you.
It is the people who are going on the road to enlightenment, the wisdom is a lot of curiosity, you can gather and distrubute the knowledge like a teacher. Many teachers and philosophers can come out in this phase. The aim of life is to show itself and to enlighten the humanity.
The body structure of people born in this phase after being full will be able to lose weight (if the other displays of the map support it).
If their loved ones move on the road, success will reach its peak at 50 years of age together with self-definition.
If your Moon is 315-359 degrees ahead of your Sun,This is a fascinating person.It is the person who has the ability to predict future and to be universal.It is the person who has the ability of foresight.If you were born in this phase, and you have a structure that chooses to stay on the back. You have a feeling of knowing everything. But you will be accept by your fate because you are
having trouble with trusting yourself.
You can be a person with a vision, feeling your future trends by trusting your intuitions.
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