Akrep burcundaki bu yeniayda duygusal ihtiyaçlarımız nedir ,neler olabilir?
Ayrıca ay akrep teması nedir?
Ay'ın duygusal ihtiyacı manevi güce sahip olmaktır akrep temasında ise gerçeğe ulaşmak,halının altındakileri görmek,birilerine tutkuyla bağlanmak ve amaçlarımız için sonuna kadar savaşmaktır.
Yorulursunuz fazlasıyla!
Ay akrep sürecinde duygusal kaosunuz çok olur fakat hayatta birşeyleri elde etmek için bizi mücadeleye sevk eden güzel zamanlardır..
Ayrıca kontrol,manipüle ,kıskançlıkların tavan yaptığı konular olabileceği gibi "ya benimsin ya toprağın ","ya benden yanasın ya ondan " gibi güç çekişmelerine girebilirsiniz.
Güvensizlik en çok bu dönemde hortlayacaktır,araştırma hissimizin en yoğun olduğu bu süreçte hep bir doğruyu arama ,gerçeği ortaya çıkartma dürtüsü saracaktır dört bir yanımızı😊
Eğer natal haritanızda ay akrepteyse siz kendinizi sürekli bir tartışmanın içine atma dürtüsü hissedersiniz fakat Zaman'la kendinizi engellediğinizi görmeniz kaçınılmaz olacaktır çünkü hallemediğiniz problemler hep tekrar edecektir, duygusal olarak yaptığınız yanlışları görüp kendinizi dönüştürmeniz gerecektir.
Kaybetme korkunuz fazla olduğundan herşeyi avcunuzun içinde tutmak istersiniz.
Ay astrolojide en büyük sağlık göstergemizdir.Ay akrepteyken cinsel organlar,boşaltım sistemi,mesane ve alt karın hassas olacaktır.Su elementi olduğundan neme bağlı hastalıklar da ön plandadır.
Ay astrolojide en büyük sağlık göstergemizdir.Ay akrepteyken cinsel organlar,boşaltım sistemi,mesane ve alt karın hassas olacaktır.Su elementi olduğundan neme bağlı hastalıklar da ön plandadır.
Ayrıca annenizi algılama şeklinizde baskıcı ,manipülatif sürekli olay yaratan bir kişilik olarak algılanabilir.
Ay akrepteki astrolojiseverlere tavsiyem hayatta bazı şeyleri bırakma erdemine yükselmeyi önermek olacaktır.Herşeyin sahibi Allah'tır diye bakarsak işler bilinçaltımızda daha kolay ilerleyecektir..
Sevgi'yle kalın❤️
What is the emotional need for this newborn in Scorpio, what could it be?
Also what is the moon scorpion contact?
The emotional need of the moon is to have spiritual power. In the case of scorpion it is to reach the truth, to see the people under the state, to connect with passion and to fight for our purposes for the last time.
You're exhausted!
In the lunar scorpion process you have a lot of emotional chaos, but in good times that have led us to struggle to get something in life.
In addition, control, manipulation, jealousy may be the subject of the ceiling, or you can enter into power conflicts such as "either you are the earth" or "you are either from me or from him".
Insecurity is the most prevalent in this period, in this process where our research feelings are at its most intense, we will always seek a truth, reveal the truth,
If you have a month in your natal map, you feel impulsive throwing yourself into a constant debate, but it is inevitable that you will see that you are blocking yourself with Time, because the problems you do not always will repeat, you will see your mistakes you made emotionally and you will transform yourself.
Since losing is so terrible, you want to keep everything in your hand.
The moon astrology is the greatest health show. The moon will be sensitive to sexual organs, excretory system, bladder and lower abdomen will be sensitive.
It can also be perceived as a personality that creates a repressive, manipulative, continuous event in the way you perceive your mother.
The moon will appeal to the astrologers in the scorpion life, and in life I would suggest to rise to the virtue of giving up some things. If we look at everything as the proprietor GOD, things will progress more easily under our consciousness.
Stay with love️
What is the emotional need for this newborn in Scorpio, what could it be?
Also what is the moon scorpion contact?
The emotional need of the moon is to have spiritual power. In the case of scorpion it is to reach the truth, to see the people under the state, to connect with passion and to fight for our purposes for the last time.
You're exhausted!
In the lunar scorpion process you have a lot of emotional chaos, but in good times that have led us to struggle to get something in life.
In addition, control, manipulation, jealousy may be the subject of the ceiling, or you can enter into power conflicts such as "either you are the earth" or "you are either from me or from him".
Insecurity is the most prevalent in this period, in this process where our research feelings are at its most intense, we will always seek a truth, reveal the truth,
If you have a month in your natal map, you feel impulsive throwing yourself into a constant debate, but it is inevitable that you will see that you are blocking yourself with Time, because the problems you do not always will repeat, you will see your mistakes you made emotionally and you will transform yourself.
Since losing is so terrible, you want to keep everything in your hand.
The moon astrology is the greatest health show. The moon will be sensitive to sexual organs, excretory system, bladder and lower abdomen will be sensitive.
It can also be perceived as a personality that creates a repressive, manipulative, continuous event in the way you perceive your mother.
The moon will appeal to the astrologers in the scorpion life, and in life I would suggest to rise to the virtue of giving up some things. If we look at everything as the proprietor GOD, things will progress more easily under our consciousness.
Stay with love️
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