Kova burcu natal haritada 11.evi sembolize eder .11 ev konuları da sosyal çevre,gönüllü kuruluşlar ,vakıflar,dernekler gibi humanistik konuları ve arkadaşlarımızı kapsar.
Neden burdan başladım çünkü kova deyince akla genelde bir entellektüel gelir ama en genel mana da arkadaş dost gelmelidir.
Çünkü onun aşık olması için bile önce dost olabilmesi gerekmektedir.
Gel gelelim spesifik özelliklerine duygularını oldukça mantalite çerçevesinde kullanır,bağımsız olmayı sever aslında hem gelenekçi hem modern bir ruh haline sahiptir.
Çünkü onun iki yöneticisi vardır gelenek ve görenekleri yöneten satürn ,yeniyi ve geleceği gösteren uranüs.
Duygusal tepkimeleri herkesten farklı,muhalif,soğuk ve mesafeli olabilir ayrıca kova hava elementinin sabit burçlarındandır.Yani kafasının dikine gitme modunu rahatlıkla görebilirsiniz,duyguları sabit ve mantıklıdır.
Herkesle eşit şartlarda ve insancıl çerçevede ilişki kurduğu için birçok arkadaş edinebilir zaten temel ihtiyacı da iletişim halinde olmaktır.
Arkadaş canlısı olma halleri çok tatlı olmakla birlikte başkaldırma ihtiyacından ve ukalalığından bazen sıkılabilirsiniz🙃
Ay bizim astroloji haritalarımızda en önemli sağlık göstergesidir.Kova burcu vucütta baldırlar ve eklemlerde çıkan rahatsızlıkları anlatır.Ayrıca hava elementi tansiyon ve dolaşım sistemi bozukluklarını anlatır.
Ay bizim astroloji haritalarımızda en önemli sağlık göstergesidir.Kova burcu vucütta baldırlar ve eklemlerde çıkan rahatsızlıkları anlatır.Ayrıca hava elementi tansiyon ve dolaşım sistemi bozukluklarını anlatır.
Annelik anlayışınız ay kova'da entellektüel ,sıradışı farklı bir anne modeli olacaktır.
Sizi baskılayan bir anne modeli değildir tam tersine sosyal becerilerinize katkı sağlayan sizi özgür bırakan bir anne modelidir.
The Aquarius symbolizes the 11th house on the natal map. The 11th house topics include humanistic issues such as the social environment, voluntary organizations, foundations, associations and friends.
Why did I start from here because aquarius generally come to mind intellectually, but in the most general sense friends should be friends.
Because he has to be a friend even before he falls in love.
I come here to use their emotions quite mental as their specific features, they like to be independent and they are both traditional and modern.
Because he has two administrators who manage the traditions and customs saturn, new and future showing uranus.
Emotional reactions can be different, dissimilar, cold and distant, as well as constant signs of the aquarius air element. You can easily see the vertical heading mode of your head, your feelings are constant and logical.
Many people can become friends because they are in equal conditions with each other and in a humanistic framework.
You may be squeezed sometimes with the need to rebel with the sweetness of being friendly with your friends
The Moon is the most important health indicator in our astrological maps. The Aquarious tells about the discomforts in the body and joints. The air element also tells us about the disturbances of blood pressure and circulatory system.
Your understanding of motherhood will be an intellectual, unusual different mother model in the month Aquarious.
It is not a model of a mother who suppresses you, but on the contrary, it is a mother model that frees you from contributing to your social skills.
The Aquarius symbolizes the 11th house on the natal map. The 11th house topics include humanistic issues such as the social environment, voluntary organizations, foundations, associations and friends.
Why did I start from here because aquarius generally come to mind intellectually, but in the most general sense friends should be friends.
Because he has to be a friend even before he falls in love.
I come here to use their emotions quite mental as their specific features, they like to be independent and they are both traditional and modern.
Because he has two administrators who manage the traditions and customs saturn, new and future showing uranus.
Emotional reactions can be different, dissimilar, cold and distant, as well as constant signs of the aquarius air element. You can easily see the vertical heading mode of your head, your feelings are constant and logical.
Many people can become friends because they are in equal conditions with each other and in a humanistic framework.
You may be squeezed sometimes with the need to rebel with the sweetness of being friendly with your friends
The Moon is the most important health indicator in our astrological maps. The Aquarious tells about the discomforts in the body and joints. The air element also tells us about the disturbances of blood pressure and circulatory system.
Your understanding of motherhood will be an intellectual, unusual different mother model in the month Aquarious.
It is not a model of a mother who suppresses you, but on the contrary, it is a mother model that frees you from contributing to your social skills.
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